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{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}

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Click this button to make your payment via PayPal.

Note: You will be redirected here once your payment is processed by PayPal.

You will now be taken to PayPal to complete your transaction. Please wait.

Please note: since you are in the testing mode, this Paypal button will direct you to Paypal testing site (Paypal Sandbox) to simulate the payment process. All information is fictitious in Paypal Sandbox and there will be no real transactions. For your convenience, you can use our pre-registered testing account []. To enter test mode, Paypal Sandbox may need you to log onto Paypal Developer Central first. Please use [] to login.

Please mail your payment to:
30 Pine Street
PO Box 126
Cornwall, CT 06753
{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}
{{donationAmountStr}}/{{recurringUnitText}} USD
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